Conceptual Understanding Through Representation In The Chemsense Environment
Research summary: Communication-Sensitive Decision Making in Multi-agent, Real-time Environments
We have developed an initial framework that models decision making, reasoning about constraints, and learning at multiple levels of abstraction and multiple time scales, within and across agents.
The Meeting Project at ICSI
In collaboration with colleagues at UW, OGI, IBM, and SRI, we are developing technology to process spoken language from informal meetings.
Using Components For Rapid Distributed Software Development
The paper discusses the use of components for rapid distributed software development. It reports on the the experience of a large testbed called Educational Software Components of Tomorrow, supported by…
Designing Technology That Integrates With Curriculum And Helps Children Learn
Integrating Planning and Scheduling through Intensity Adaptation
We describe an incremental and adaptive approach to integrating hierarchical task network planning and constraint-based scheduling.
Information Literacy: Where Do We Go From Here?
Topics include education policy; funding for technology; standards, particularly state standards; separate standards for library media programs; assessment; and using the Big6 program.
Integrating Prosodic and Lexical Cues for Automatic Topic Segmentation
We present a probabilistic model that uses both prosodic and lexical cues for the automatic segmentation of speech into topically coherent units. We propose two methods for combining lexical and…
Discovery of the Atomic Oxygen Green Line in the Venus Night Airglow
Green line emission at 557.7 nanometers arising from the O(1S - 1D) transition of atomic oxygen has been observed on the nightside of Venus with HIRES, the echelle spectrograph on…
Nutrient-related Analysis of Pathway/Genome Databases
We present an algorithm that solves two related problems in the analysis of metabolic networks stored within a pathway/genome database.
Globe Year 6 Evaluation: Explaining Variation in Implementation
The Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Program engages students around the world in observing and measuring aspects of their local environments.
Representational Issues for Real-world Planning Systems
This workshop brought together researchers and practitioners interested in representational issues for this broader model of planning systems.