Students Collaborating With Computer Models And Physical Experiments
This study examines the actions and discourse of students in a chemistry laboratory course as they interact with available social and material resources.
Domain Metatheories: Enabling User-Centric Planning
In this paper, we argue that improved usability requires a new representational layer that captures metatheoretic properties of a planning domain.
Technology Design As Educational Research: Interweaving Imagination, Inquiry & Impact
New models of the research projects that include technology design are needed that draw upon the idealistic potential of technology, but engage with the practical problems of educational reform in…
Basic Concepts Of Cryptography
Bridging the lexical chasm: statistical approaches to answer-finding
This paper investigates whether a machine can automatically learn the task of finding, within a large collection of candidate responses, the answers to questions.
Community Technology Centers Program Findings Summary: A Review Of Fy99 Grantees’ Annual Performance Report
This report describes the results of a review of annual performance reports submitted by the FY99 grantees to the U.S. Department of Education on progress made toward the accomplishment of…
Planning with Conflicting Advice
This paper introduces two contrasting methods for planning with conflicting advice, suited to different user requirements. Soft enforcement embodies a heuristic approach that prefers planning choices that are consistent with…
An Evaluation of Ontology Exchange Languages for Bioinformatics
This paper reports on an effort among the authors to evaluate alternative ontology-exchange languages, and to recommend one or more languages for use within the larger bioinformatics community.
Global Properties of the Metabolic Map of Escherichia coli
Here we present a computational analysis of the global properties of that network, which consists of 744 reactions that are catalyzed by 607 enzymes.
The Online Course Experience: Evaluation Of The Virtual High School’s Third Year Of Implementation
The Virtual High School (VHS) is a consortium of high schools that offer network-based courses taught by consortium teachers for students in participating schools. The VHS teachers, with the help…
Boosted wrapper induction
We describe an algorithm that learns simple, low-coverage wrapper-like extraction patterns, which we then apply to conventional information extraction problems using boosting.
Using Multiple Representations During Chemical Conversations: A Baseline Study