Finding Consensus Among Words: Lattice-based Word Error Minimization
We describe a new algorithm for finding the hypothesis in a recognition lattice that is expected to minimize the word error rate (WER). Our approach thus overcomes the mismatch between…
Performance Assessment Links In Science (PALS)
SRI International is developing Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS), an on-line, standards-based, interactive resource bank of science performance assessments.
Modeling the Prosody of Hidden Events for Improved Word Recognition
We investigate a new approach for using speech prosody as a knowledge source for speech recognition. The idea is to penalize word hypotheses that are inconsistent with prosodic features such…
Combining Words and Prosody for Information Extraction from Speech
In this work we demonstrate the use of em prosodic cues, alone and in combination with words, for segmentation and name finding. In experiments, we find that prosodic cues alone…
At the Boundary of Workflow and AI
This paper describes how techniques from the AI community, specifically reactive control, planning, and scheduling, could be leveraged to develop powerful, next-generation adaptive workflow engines that provide many of the…
Task-based Information Management
We are constructing a system, called the Task-based Information Distribution Environment (TIDE), that delivers information to participants in a dynamic collaboration by evaluating the relevance of incoming and newly generated…
Construct Validation Of Mathematics Achievement: Evidence From Interview Procedures
This study investigated the validity of measures derived from a large-scale multiple-choice achievement test in mathematics, using evidence from introspective think-aloud protocols of students as they attempted test items.
Reconfigurable Elements for a Video Pipeline Processor
This paper describes a family of reconfigurable processing elements (RPEs) used to support video processing for the Sarnoff Vision Front End 200 (VFE-200) vision system.
Information extraction using HMMs and shrinkage
This paper advocates for the use of HMMs for information extraction.
Trajectories From Today’s WWW To A Powerful Educational Infrastructure
Over the course of two days, the participants generated a wealth of ideas about the limitations of today’s web, its near-term trajectories, and potential educational advances. We share a summary…
Self-Consistency, A Novel Approach to Characterizing the Accuracy and Reliability of Point-Correspondence Algorithms
We present a framework for reliably and robustly detecting changes in terrain (or other 3-D objects) over time.
Developing Educational Software Components
Educational applications must be very flexible because curricula and teaching styles vary tremendously among institutions, locations, and even among instructors at the same institution.