Performance Assessment Links In Science (PALS)
SRI International is developing Performance Assessment Links in Science (PALS), an on-line, standards-based, interactive resource bank of science performance assessments.
At the Boundary of Workflow and AI
This paper describes how techniques from the AI community, specifically reactive control, planning, and scheduling, could be leveraged to develop powerful, next-generation adaptive workflow engines that provide many of the…
Task-based Information Management
We are constructing a system, called the Task-based Information Distribution Environment (TIDE), that delivers information to participants in a dynamic collaboration by evaluating the relevance of incoming and newly generated…
Reconfigurable Elements for a Video Pipeline Processor
This paper describes a family of reconfigurable processing elements (RPEs) used to support video processing for the Sarnoff Vision Front End 200 (VFE-200) vision system.
Construct Validation Of Mathematics Achievement: Evidence From Interview Procedures
This study investigated the validity of measures derived from a large-scale multiple-choice achievement test in mathematics, using evidence from introspective think-aloud protocols of students as they attempted test items.
Science In The Palm Of Their Hands
If we’re serious about having children use technology in K–12 classrooms, then we need to convince the gatekeepers of those classrooms as to the worth of the technology. Doing so…
Toward A Learning Technologies Knowledge Network
This paper describes the rationale and operations of the NSF-funded Center, and first-year progress in defining a set of CILT partnership projects with many other institutions that came out of…
World Links Student Assessment Report, 1998-1999
EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned
3–D Stereo Reconstruction of Human Faces driven by Differential Constraints
We propose a way to incorporate a priori information in a reconstruction process from a sequence of calibrated face images.
Using the EcoCyc Database