World Links Student Assessment Report, 1998-1999
3–D Stereo Reconstruction of Human Faces driven by Differential Constraints
We propose a way to incorporate a priori information in a reconstruction process from a sequence of calibrated face images.
EcoCyc: The Resource and the Lessons Learned
The Probability Inquiry Environment: A Collaborative, Inquiry-Based Simulation Environment
We report on the Probability Inquiry Environment (PIE), which facilitates the development of probabilistic reasoning by making available collaborative inquiry activities and student-controlled simulations.
Using the EcoCyc Database
Prolegomena to a Theory of Disability, Inability and Handicap
In this paper we extend a theory of action, IPT to try to elucidate these concepts. This attempt at elucidation is itself at most a prolegomena to a study that…
Combining Words and Speech Prosody for Automatic Topic Segmentation
We present a probabilistic model that uses both prosodic and lexical cues for the automatic segmentation of speech into topic units. The approach combines hidden Markov models, statistical language models,…
Information extraction using HMMs and shrinkage
This paper advocates for the use of HMMs for information extraction.
Trajectories From Today’s WWW To A Powerful Educational Infrastructure
Over the course of two days, the participants generated a wealth of ideas about the limitations of today’s web, its near-term trajectories, and potential educational advances. We share a summary…
Cornerstones For An Online Community Of Education Professionals
Our goal is to learn how to grow a self-sustaining on-line community of education professionals that supports and enhances the professional growth of its members over the length of their…
Efficient Lattice Representation and Generation
We describe two new techniques for reducing word lattice sizes without eliminating hypotheses.
“…It’s Fair Because They Each Have Two”: The Development Of A Mathematical Practice Across Two Social Contexts
They have an equal chance of landing on...tails [R types] We think the game is fair because it has an equal chance of landing on heads as it has on tails.