Estimation of Equilibrium Constants Using Automated Group Contribution Methods
Group contribution methods are frequently used for estimating physical properties of compounds from their molecular structures. An algorithm for estimating Gibbs energies of formation through group contribution methods has been…
Using grammatical inference to improve precision in information extraction
The field of information extraction (IE) is concerned with applying natural language processing (NLP) and information retrieval (IR) techniques to the automatic extraction of essential details from text documents. We…
Exploiting Enterprise Models for the Automatic Distribution of Corporate Information
This paper introduces a new method of distributing information automatically, based on enterprise models—representations of the pertinent aspects of an organization’s structure and operation.
The Saphira Architecture: A Design for Autonomy
Autonomy has many different aspects; here we concentrate on three central ones: the ability to attend to another agent, to take advice about the environment, and to carry out assigned…
Development and validation of a method to extract and quantitate paromomycin and gentamicin from an Aquaphillic® cream formulation
Butanol and dilute sulfuric acid were used to extract paromomycin and gentamicin from Aquaphilic®-based formulated creams. The extraction procedure was validated over different antibiotic concentration ranges for linearity, precision, accuracy,…
EcoCyc: Enyclopedia of Escherichia coli Genes and Metabolism
The Encyclopedia of Genes and Metabolism (EcoCyc) is a database that combines information about the genome and the intermediary metabolism of Escherichia coli.
Knowledge Intensive Query Processing
The heart of the system is a knowledge base (KB) and a collection of reasoning methods. The KB is being constructed by a combination of manual and semiautomatic methods. The…
Mulitmodal User Interfaces in the Open Agent Architecture
The design and development of the Open Agent Architecture (OAA) system has focused on providing access to agentbased applications through an intelligent, cooperative, distributed, and multimodal agent-based user interfaces. The…
The Display Of Cultural Knowledge In Cultural Transmission: Models Of Participation From The Pacific Island Of Kosrae
Evidential Reasoning with Gister-CL: A Manual
This document is designed to serve as a self-contained introduction to evidential reasoning and Gister-CL. Evidential reasoning is a collection of techniques for automated reasoning from evidence; Gister-CL is an…
Prediction of Enzyme Classification from Protein Sequence without the Use of Protein Similarity
We describe a novel approach for predicting the function of a protein from its amino-acid sequence.
Role Of Technology In Student-Scientist Partnerships: Perspective From The National Science Foundation
Abstract A variety of student-scientist partnerships (SSPs) have evolved over the years in the K-12 classroom, providing students, teachers, and scientists with activities and experiences not available from any other…