Individualized Education Programs for English Learners With Significant Cognitive Disabilities
Educators and family members who participate in IEP meetings for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities can use this brief to plan for quality meetings and successful school experiences for…
Robust Speaker Recognition from Distant Speech under Real Reverberant Environments Using Speaker Embeddings
This article focuses on speaker recognition using speech acquired using a single distant or far-field microphone in an indoors environment.
Analysis of Complementary Information Sources in the Speaker Embeddings Framework
In this study, our aim is analyzing the behavior of the speaker recognition systems based on speaker embeddings toward different front-end features, including the standard MFCC, as well as PNCC,…
Lifewide or School-Only Learning: Approaches to Addressing the Developing World’s Learning Crisis
This cluster randomized controlled trial tested the impact of school-only and lifewide-learning (LWL) approaches to supporting early-grade learning over 2 years in rural Rwanda.
Efficiency Improvements of Ultraviolet Emitters to Facilitate Communications in Contested Environments
The radiative lifetime in AlGaN quantum well structures is studied using time-resolved photoluminescence and compared with the results of a unique many-body model.
Parallel Arousal Pathways in the Lateral Hypothalamus
We performed chemogenetic excitation of LH neurons in mice and observed increased wakefulness that lasted more than 4 h without unusual behavior or EEG anomalies.
Linked Learning San Bernardino (LLSB): Accelerating College and Career Readiness in Low-Performing Schools
This technical report provides an independent evaluation examining both the program implementation and the impact of the program on students’ cognitive and noncognitive outcomes.
The Apple and ConnectED Initiative: Baseline and year 2 findings from principal, teacher, and student surveys
This report presents findings from large-scale surveys conducted with principals, teachers, and students at participating schools.
Improvement Science in Teacher Preparation at California State University: How Teacher Preparation Partnerships are Building Capacity to Learn to Improve
This paper describes how three principles of improvement science guided reforms at teacher preparation programs (TPPs) participating in the New Generation of Educators Initiative (NGEI).
Why does the rain fall down instead of up? How parents support science learning, and how media can help
A new study examined the ways that families think about and engage young children in science, and how they use science-related media to support these efforts.
The challenge of assessing “knowledge in use”: Examples from three-dimensional science learning and instruction
This symposium includes four papers focused on meeting challenges in the design and use of assessments of science proficiency.
Pathway Schools Initiative: Fundamental evaluation summary
This report summarizes the progress made by the schools that participated in the Pathway Schools Initiative through the 2017–18 school year.