Children’s Interest In and Understanding Of Science And Technology: A Study Of The Effects Of CRO
Smart cars and smart roads
This paper describes two projects applying computer vision to Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems.
Year 2000: Using Technology To Build Communities Of Understanding
Knowledge Representation in the Large
We describe the design and implementation of a storage subsystem that submerges a database management system (DBMS) within a knowledge representation system.
Learning In Interactive Environments: Prior Knowledge And New Experience
Educators often focus on the ideas that they want their audience to have. But research has shown that a learner’s prior knowledge often confounds an educator’s best efforts to deliver…
Ziplock Snakes
We propose a snake-based approach that lets a user specify only the distant endpoints of the curve he wishes to delineate without having to supply an almost complete polygonal approximation.
Indefeasible Semantics and Defeasible Pragmatics
I propose a fine structure of the preferential interpretation in pragmatics in terms of defeasible rule interactions. A logical implementation of the preferential rule interactions is proposed using prioritized circumscription,…
No Girls Allowed
Discusses girls' use of computers and examines why they are often discouraged and lose interest.
Registration without Correspondences
We present a method for registering images of complex 3-D surfaces that does not require explicit correspondences between features across the images.
Distinguishing Knowledge Bases and Data Bases: Who’s on First and What’s on Second
This paper compares and contrasts relational data base management systems (RDBMSs) and frame knowledge representation systems (FRSs). We compare the capabilities that RDBMSs and FRSs provide to designers and users…
A Storage System for Scalable Knowledge Representation
Our research investigates the hypothesis that one can employ an existing database management system (DBMS) as a storage subsystem for an FRS, to provide high-speed access to large, shared KBs.
Using 3-Dimensional Meshes to Combine Image-Based and Geometry Constraints
A unified framework for 3-D shape reconstruction allows us to combine image-based and geometry-based information sources. The image information is akin to stereo and shape-from-shading, while the geometric information may…