Greedy Attribute Selection
We examine five greedy hillclimbing procedures that search for attribute sets that generalize well with ID3/C4.5. Experiments suggest hillclimbing in attribute space can yield substantial improvements in generalization performance.
Hybrid Reasoning using Universal Attachment
Universal attachment is a domain-independent mechanism for integrating diverse representation and reasoning methods into hybrid frameworks that contain a subsystem based on deduction over logical formulas.
Representations of Metabolic Knowledge: Pathways
The chief contributions of the paper are a minimized representation for biochemical pathways called the predecessor list, and inference procedures for converting the predecessor list into a pathway-graph representation that…
Computing motion and structure in image sequences without calibration
This paper proposes an algebraic method to generalize the usual equations of structure from motion, when calibration is not available.
Tuning rules by cases
A new method is proposed for tuning rules by cases, especially in domains in which precise and exceptionless rules are known to be unavailable.
Executions, Motivations, and Accomplishments
Brutus wanted to kill Caesar. He believed that Caesar was an ordinary mortal, and that, given this, stabbing him was a way of killing him.
Review of Language in Action: Categories, Lambdas, and Dynamic Logic, by J. van Benthem
For about two thousand years, logic and logicians were stuck on the problem of multiple quantification. Aristotle and his successors had systematized large parts of monadic quantification theory (as we…
FASTUS: A Finite-State Processor for Information Extraction from Real-World Text
The GeoVRML working group of the Web3D Consortium recently announced an extension to the ISO standard Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to enable just these capabilities.
Building and Using Scene Repesentations In Image Understanding
The analysis side is the processing of sensory data for such tasks as recognition and navigation, and a number of techniques are discussed here for dealing with these two-, three-,…
SRI: Description of the JV-FASTUS System Used for MUC-5
SRI International developed an information extraction system called FASTUS1 , a permuted acronym standing for "Finite State Automata-based Text Understanding System.
A Common Knowledge Representation for Plan Generation and Reactive Execution
This paper describes the ACT formalism, which is designed to encode the knowledge required to support both the generation of complex plans and reactive execution of those plans in dynamic…
Supporting Pascal Programming With An On-Line Template Library And Case Studies
In this project, we devised an on-line network of Pascal programming templates called a template library, and tested it with subjects (classified as novice, intermediate, and expert Pascal programmers) both…