Robust Recovery of the Epipolar Geometry for an Uncalibrated Stereo Rig
This paper addresses the problem of accurately and automatically recovering the epipolar geometry from an uncalibrated stereo rig and its application to the image matching problem.
Context Connectionist Probability Estimation in a Hybrid Hidden Markov Model-Neural Net Speech Recognition Systems
In this paper we present a training method and a network architecture for estimating context-dependent observation probabilities in the framework of a hybrid hidden Markov model (HMM) / multi layer…
Integrating Planning and Reactive Control
Agents situated in dynamic and unpredictable environments require several capabilities, including synthesizing and executing plans while continuing to be responsive to the world.
A stability analysis of the fundamental matrix
The Fundamental matrix is a key concept when working with uncalibrated images and multiple viewpoints. It contains all the available geometric information and enables to recover the epipolar geometry from…
Self-calibration of an uncalibrated stereo rig from one unknown motion
We address in this paper the problem of self-calibration and metric reconstruction (up to a scale) from one unknown motion of an uncalibrated stereo rig.
An optimization framework for efficient self-calibration and motion determination
In this paper, we propose an alternative method to compute at the same time camera calibration and motion, which is robust and efficient.
Using binocular stereopsis for lane following and lane changing maneuvers
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Center, AIC
Tuning rules by cases
A new method is proposed for tuning rules by cases, especially in domains in which precise and exceptionless rules are known to be unavailable.
Review of Language in Action: Categories, Lambdas, and Dynamic Logic, by J. van Benthem
For about two thousand years, logic and logicians were stuck on the problem of multiple quantification. Aristotle and his successors had systematized large parts of monadic quantification theory (as we…
Executions, Motivations, and Accomplishments
Brutus wanted to kill Caesar. He believed that Caesar was an ordinary mortal, and that, given this, stabbing him was a way of killing him.
FASTUS: A Finite-State Processor for Information Extraction from Real-World Text
The GeoVRML working group of the Web3D Consortium recently announced an extension to the ISO standard Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) to enable just these capabilities.
Building and Using Scene Repesentations In Image Understanding
The analysis side is the processing of sensory data for such tasks as recognition and navigation, and a number of techniques are discussed here for dealing with these two-, three-,…