Reasoning with Analogical Representations
The framework consists of a set of generic operations on analogical structures and accompanying inference methods for integrating analogical and sentential information.
Active head movements help solve stereo correspondance
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence Center, AIC
Active Stereo with head movement
Combining Neural Networks and Hidden Markov Models for Continuous Speech Recognition
We present a speaker-independent, continuous-speech recognition system based on a hybrid multilayer perceptron (MLP)/hidden Markov model (HMM). The system combines the advantages of both approaches by using MLPs to estimate…
The Planning of Actions and The Basal Ganglia
The model posits that the basal ganglia are responsible for driving smooth transitions of state (e.g., joint positions) for an organism.
Self-calibration of a camera using multiples images
The authors present a complete method for calibrating a camera, which requires only point matches from image sequences.
Application of Artificial Intelligence to the DOD Directory
The functional and operational requirements that define the DoD Directory will yield a system with a significant level of complexity. We describe the artificial intelligence-based approach developed to solve and…
A knowledge base of the chemical compounds of intermediary metabolism
This paper describes a publicly available knowledge base of the chemical compounds involved in intermediary metabolism.
Context-Dependent Connectionist Probability Estimation in a Hybrid HMM-Neural Net Speech Recognition System
In this paper we present a training method and a network architecture for the estimation of context-dependent observation probabilities in the framework of a hybrid Hidden Markov Model (HMM) /…
Integrating Neural Networks into Computer Speech Recognition Systems
The work described here involved integrating neural networks into a hidden Markov model-based state-of-the-art continuous-speech recognition system, resulting in improvements in recognition accuracy and reductions in model complexity.
Semi-autonomous Mapmaking and Navigation
We describe an architecture of mobile robots based on the the concept of semi-autonomy that employs communication with a human advisor in order to simplify the tasks of map construction…
Overview Of The SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment
The SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment has been created to support research on interactive, semi-automated, and automated computer-based cartographic activities. The underlying image manipulation capabilities are provided by the SRI ImagCalc…