Context-Dependent Connectionist Probability Estimation in a Hybrid HMM-Neural Net Speech Recognition System
In this paper we present a training method and a network architecture for the estimation of context-dependent observation probabilities in the framework of a hybrid Hidden Markov Model (HMM) /…
Integrating Neural Networks into Computer Speech Recognition Systems
The work described here involved integrating neural networks into a hidden Markov model-based state-of-the-art continuous-speech recognition system, resulting in improvements in recognition accuracy and reductions in model complexity.
Semi-autonomous Mapmaking and Navigation
We describe an architecture of mobile robots based on the the concept of semi-autonomy that employs communication with a human advisor in order to simplify the tasks of map construction…
Overview Of The SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment
The SRI Cartographic Modeling Environment has been created to support research on interactive, semi-automated, and automated computer-based cartographic activities. The underlying image manipulation capabilities are provided by the SRI ImagCalc…
Learning By Collaborating: Convergent Conceptual Change
The goal of this article is to construct an integrated approach to collaboration and conceptual change. To this end, a case of conceptual change is analyzed from the point of…
Multiple-State Context-Dependent Phonetic Modeling with MLPs
In this paper we present a new MLP architecture and training procedure for modeling context-dependent phonetic classes with a sequence of distributions.
Camera self-calibration: theory and experiments
In this paper a complete method for calibrating a camera is presented. In contrast with existing methods it does not require a calibration object with a known 3D shape.
Intelligent monitoring and control of semiconductor manufacturing equipment
The use of AI methods to monitor and control semiconductor fabrication in a state-of-the-art manufacturing environment called the Rapid Thermal Multiprocessor is described.
Caching and Lemmaizing In Model Elimination Theorem Provers
In this paper we report on work done to modify a model elimination theorem prover using two techniques, caching and lemmaizing, that have reduced by more than an order of…
The Role Of Natural Language In A Multimodal Interface
This paper presents an interface that blends natural language processing and direct manipulation technologies, using each for their characteristic advantages. Specifically, the paper shows how to use natural language to…
The Tacitus System: The Muc-3 Experience
We describe and evaluate a method for dealing with unknown words and a method for filtering out sentences irrelevant to the task. Each of these techniques has been evaluated, and…
Katz and Postal on Realism in Linguistics
The ruling idea behind Katz and Postal, is that with respect to linguistics and linguistic objects, as with Mathematics and mathematical objects, there are three basic philosophies: nominalism, conceptualism, and…