The Tacitus System: The Muc-3 Experience
We describe and evaluate a method for dealing with unknown words and a method for filtering out sentences irrelevant to the task. Each of these techniques has been evaluated, and…
CLOS: integrating object-oriented and functional programming
This article explores the landscape in which the major object-oriented facilities exist, showing how the CLOS solution is effective within the two contexts.
Quantification In Autoepistemic Logic
Here we look at quantification in auto-epistemic logic, which is a modal logic of self-knowledge. We propose several different semantics, all based on the idea that having beliefs about an…
Actions and Movements
We present an account of action whose main features are that actions are content properties that agents have in virtue of (i) the bodily movements they effect and (ii) the…
Working Notes On PARADISE Chess Patterns
This report contains primarily data and is intended for people writing pattern-based game-playing programs who wish to know the details of the patterns in PARADISE.
Metaphor and Abduction
In this paper a recent approach to inference in text understanding based on abduction is applied to the problem of metaphor interpretation. The fundamental ideas in the "interpretation as abduction"…
Resolution for Epistemic Logics
In this paper we report on a resolution proof method for logics of belief that is suitable for automatic reasoning in commonsense domains.
Integrated Interfaces For Decision-Support With Simulation
We examine the weaknesses inherent in graphical user interfaces to support these users of simulation for short-term situation assessment and scenario evaluation, a style of problem solving characteristic of military…
Abduction Vs. Closure In Causal Theories
Starting with a causal theory, explanations can be generated either by abductive reasoning, or by adding closure axioms and minimizing causation within a deductive framework. The latter method is strictly…
Hierarchic Autoepistemic Theories For Nonmonotonic Reasoning: Preliminary Report
We propose a method of nonmonotonic reasoning in which the notion of inference from specific bodies of evidence plays a fundamental role. The formalization is based on autoepistemic logic, but…
Dimensions of interaction: AAAI-90 presidentional address
The challenge for AI for the decade is to deal with the issues of interaction.
In this paper, we argue that a joint activity is one that is performed by individuals sharing certain specific mental properties. We then show how these properties affect and are…