The DARPA / DMA Image Understanding Testbed System Manager’s Manual
The primary purpose of the Image Understanding (IU) Testbed is to provide a means for transferring technology from the DARPA-sponsored IU research program to DMA and other organizations in the…
Hierarchical Planning: Definition and Implementation
There is considerable ambiguity involved in hierarchical planning. We present a definition of the latter, and examine several of the reasons for this confusion.
Behavioral Specification and Planning for Multiagent Domains
This report discusses a new approach to the specification of properties of multiagent environment and the generation of plans for such domains.
Experimental Robot Psychology
Here I propose an approach that I call it experimental robot psychology because it involves formalizing and reasoning about the design of existing robot agents. It shows promise of yielding…
One-Eyed Stereo: A Unified Strategy To Recover Shape From A Single Image
In this paper we contend that the distinct assumptions made in each of these schemes must be tantamount to providing a second (virtual) image of the original scene, and that…
The Structures Of Discourse Structure
This paper presents the basic elements of a computational theory of discourse structure that simplifies and expands upon previous work. It is concerned with answers to two rather simple questions:…
On Some Formal Properties Of Metarules
Grammars contain rules for generating sentences. Metarules are statements about these rules. They are metagrammatical devices that can be used to generate rules of the grammar or to encode certain…
Constraints On Order
A modified linear precedence (LP) component of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) is proposed that accommodates partially free word order. In the revised framework, LP rules are sets of LP…
Evaluation Of Stereosys Vs. Other Stereo Systems
SRI International is implementing a complete, state-of the-art stereo system that will produce dense three-dimensional (3D) data from stereo pairs of intensity images. This system forms a framework for much…
The Stereo Challenge Data Base
As previously reported in Fischler [1984] and Hannah [1984], SRI International is implementing a complete, state-of-the-art stereo system that will produce dense three-dimensional (3-D) data from stereo pairs of intensity…
Linear Precedence In Discontinuous Constituents: Complex Fronting In German
It is shown that the current framework of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) is not suited for describing the interaction of leftward extractions, scrambling, and constraints on linear order.
Reference and Denotation: The Descriptive Model
This paper deals with a specific approach to the problem of reference that I call the descriptive model. In particular, I am going to examine some relations between this model…