Linear Precedence In Discontinuous Constituents: Complex Fronting In German
It is shown that the current framework of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) is not suited for describing the interaction of leftward extractions, scrambling, and constraints on linear order.
Reference and Denotation: The Descriptive Model
This paper deals with a specific approach to the problem of reference that I call the descriptive model. In particular, I am going to examine some relations between this model…
On Some Formal Properties Of Metarules
Grammars contain rules for generating sentences. Metarules are statements about these rules. They are metagrammatical devices that can be used to generate rules of the grammar or to encode certain…
Formal Theories Of Knowledge In AI and Robotics
The machine is regarded as knowing a fact if its state either explicitly encodes the fact as a sentence of an interpreted formal language or if such a sentence can…
More Notes From The Unification Underground: A Second Compilation Of Papers On Unification-Based Grammar Formalisms
We study a new corpus of patient-clinician interactions recorded when patients are admitted to a hospital for suicide risk and again when they are released.
Criteria For Designing Computer Facilities For Linguistic Analysis
We discuss several aspects of computer use that are preeminent in establishing the utility for linguistic research of computer tools and describe several factors that must be considered in designing…
The Origin Of The Binary-Search Paradigm
The paper considers how such algorithms might be derived from their specifications by an automatic program-synthesis system. The derivation of the binary-search concept has been found to be surprisingly straightforward.
Review of ‘The Logic of Mind’
Turing focused on the computable real numbers, not on the nature and extent of the computable functions of natural numbers. In the last two sections of the paper (plus the…
A Cognitivist Reply To Behaviorism
The objections to mentalistic psychology raised by Skinner are reviewed, and it is argued that a "cognitivist" perspective offers a way of constructing mentalistic theories that overcome these objections.
Configurational Variation In English: A Study Of Extraposition and Related Matters
Natural languages typically permit more than one order of words or phrases, though they differ with respect to both the amount of order variation allowed and the kind of information…
Triangle Tables: A Proposal For A Robot Programming Language
Because the rationale for triangle tables still seems relevant, I have recently elaborated the original concept and have begun to consider how the expanded formalism could be used as a…
A Short Companion to the Naive Physics Manifesto