A New Characterization Of Attachment Preferences
By starting from a precise choice of parsing model, it is possible to give a simple and rigorous description of Minimal Attachment and Right Association that avoids some of the…
Sentence Disambiguation By A Shift-Reduce Parsing Technique
We have developed a parsing algorithm–a variant of the LALR(1) shift-reduce algorithm–that models the preference behavior of native speakers for a range of syntactic preference phenomena reported in the psycholinguistic…
A Representation Of Time For Planning
A new time representation is described that allows a continuously changing world to be represented, so that queries about the truth of a proposition at an instant or over an…
A General Approach To Machine Perception Of Linear, Structure In Imaged Data
In this paper we address a basic problem in machine perception: the tracing of "line-like" structures appearing in an image. It is shown that this problem can profitably be viewed…
Mockingbird: a composer’s amanuensis
Mockingbird is a computer-based, display-oriented music notation editor.
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Interpreting Network Formalisms
The author attempts to sketch adequate semantic accounts for at least two (kinds of) semantic network formalisms; one, based on the notion of inheritance, one, not.
Logic For Natural Language Analysis
This work investigates the use of formal logic as a practical tool for describing the syntax and semantics of a subset of English, and building a computer program to answer…
A Preface by David Israel relates these chapters tothe general considerations of philosophers and psycholinguists.
The Ghough Generalized Hough Transform Package: Description, and Evaluation
This report summarizes applications for which GHOUGH is suited, the history and nature of the algorithm, details of the Testbed implementation, the manner in which GHOUGH is invoked and controlled,…
From Image Irradiance To Surface Orientation
A new formulation of shape from shading is presented in which surface orientation is related to image irradiance without requiring detailed knowledge of the scene illumination, or of the albedo…
The Phoenix Image Segmentation System: Description and Evaluation
This report summarizes applications for PHOENIX, the history and nature of the algorithm, details of the Testbed implementation, the manner in which it is invoked and controlled, the type of…