The Interplay Between Experimental and Theoretical Methods, In Artificial Intelligence
The reasons for the dichotomy are discussed, and AI is compared with other, more mature disciplines in which there is closer cooperation between experimental and theoretical branches.
What’s Wrong with Non-Monotonic Logic
The answer, briefly, is that the motivation behind the wonderfully impressive work involved in its development is based on a confusion of proof-theoretic with epistemological issues.
Interpreting Discourse: Coherence and the Analysis of Ethnographic Interviews
In this paper we first outline how we apply our AI discourse approaches to the ethnographic data. We discuss three kinds of coherence in terms of which we analyze a…
Reconstructing Smooth Surfaces From Partial, Noisy Information
We describe a solution for an important special case: the interpolation of surfaces that are locally spherical or cylindrical from initial orientation values and constraints on orientation.
Scene Modeling: A Structural Basis For Image Description
In this paper a structural approach to modeling is argued for that explicitly relates image appearance to the scene characteristics from which it arose.
Plan Generation and Execution For Robotics
A number of problems in this area requiring further research are discussed, including dealing with time, planning for parallel execution, planning for information gathering, planning for planning, learning, interactive planning,…
A Storage Representation For Efficient Access To Large, Multidimensional Arrays
This paper addresses problems associated with accessing elements of large multidimensional arrays when the order of access is either unpredictable or is orthogonal to the conventional order of array storage.
A D-Ladder User’s Guide
D-LADDER (DIAMOND-based Language Access to Distributed Data with Error Recovery) is a computer system designed to provide answers to questions posed at the terminal in a subset of natural language…
Random Sample Consensus: A Paradigm for Model Fitting with Applications to Image Analysis and Automated Cartography
RANSAC is capable of interpreting/smoothing data containing a significant percentage of gross errors, and is thus ideally suited for applications in automated image analysis where interpretation is based on the…
A Ladder User’s Guide (Revised)
LADDER (Language Access to Distributed Data with Error Recovery) is a computer system designed to provide answers to questions posed at the terminal in a subset of natural language regarding…
Interpreting Natural-Language Utterances In Dialogs About Tasks
This paper describes the results of a three-year research effort investigating the knowledge and processes needed for participation in natural-language dialogs about ongoing mechanical-assembly tasks.
Diagram: A Grammar For Dialogues
This paper presents an explanatory overview of a large and complex grammar, DIAGRAM, that is used in a computer system for interpreting English dialogue.