System Integration and Control in a Speech Understanding System
This paper first describes the roles played by acoustics, syntax, semantics, and discourse, and shows how a language definition is used to integrate them into a system in a way…
Semantic Processing For Speech Understanding
The semantic component of the speech understanding system being developed jointly by SRI and SDC rules out phrase combinations that are not meaningful and produces semantic interpretations for combination that…
Speech Generation from Semantic Nets
A set of verb templates is being derived from a study of the surface syntax of some 3000 English verbs: the active forms of the verbs have been classified according…
A Structure For Plans and Behavior
A new method for representing actions within a computer memory has been developed, and this new representation, called the procedural net, has been employed in developing new strategies for solving…
Progress in Speech Understanding Research at SRI
This paper describes research on the development of a speech understanding system capable of engaging a human operator in a conversation about a specific task domain.
Representation and Use of Knowledge in Vision
This paper identifies fundamental information-processing principles relevant to representation and use of knowledge in vision and traces limitations of existing programs.
Achieving Several Goals Simultaneously
This paper develops the following strategy: to achieve two goals simultaneously, develop a plan to achieve one of them and then modify that plan to achieve the second as well.…
Deductive Retrieval Mechanisms for State Description Models
This paper presents some programming facilities for modeling the semantics of a task domain and for describing the situations that occur in that domain as a task is being carried…
Expanding the Utility of Semantic Networks Through Partitioning
These net spaces delimit the scopes of quantified variables, distinguish hypothetical and imaginary situations from reality, encode alternative worlds considered in planning, and focus attention at particular levels of detail.
Progress on a Computer Based Consultant
Computer based consultants are systems that incorporate specialized bodies of knowledge and make this knowledge conveniently available to users who are not computer experts.
Nonlinear Nature of Plans
This paper describes a new information structure, called the procedural net, that represents a plan as a partial ordering of action with respect to time.
Knowledge and Reasoning In Program Synthesis
We describe some of the reasoning and programming capabilities of a projected synthesis system with special attention paid to the introduction of conditional tests, loops, and instructions with wide effects…