Can we replace curation with information extraction software?
Can we use programs for automated or semi-automated information extraction from scientific texts as practical alternatives to professional curation? I show that error rates of current information extraction programs are…
Crowd-sourcing and author submission as alternatives to professional curation
This perspective considers the significant experience accumulated by the bioinformatics community with these two alternatives to professional curation in the last 20 years...
How the strengths of Lisp-family languages facilitate building complex and flexible bioinformatics applications
We present a rationale for expanding the presence of the Lisp family of programming languages in bioinformatics and computational biology research.
Examining Change in K-3 Teachers’ Mathematical Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs: The Case of Primarily Math
This study examines the impact of the Primarily Math Elementary Mathematics Specialist program on K-3 teachers’ mathematical content knowledge for teaching, attitudes toward learning mathematics, and beliefs about mathematics teaching…
Assessing Problem-Solving Process At Scale
This paper describes a hybrid approach to assessing process at scale in the context of the use of computational thinking practices during programming.
Pathway collages: personalized multi-pathway diagrams
We define software for constructing personalized multi-pathway diagrams called pathway-collages using a combination of manual and automatic layouts.
An Annotated Corpus and Method for Analysis of Ad-Hoc Structures Embedded in Text
We describe a method for identifying and performing functional analysis of structured regions that are embedded in natural language documents, such as tables or key-value lists.
Pathway Schools Initiative Developmental Evaluation-Learning Brief 1 (January 2016)
To support its Pathway Schools Initiative, The McKnight Foundation has engaged initiative leaders in a developmental evaluation (DE) led by SRI International and Child Trends.
Solution Authoring via Demonstration and Annotation: An Empirical Study
This paper reports on a concept validation study that provides an empirical basis for the design of solution authoring frameworks based on end-user programming techniques.
Effect of Transition Planning on Postsecondary Support Receipt by Students with Disabilities
The authors of this article analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 to determine the effect of receiving transition planning education and having a transition plan that specified needed…
The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes and the BioCyc collection of pathway/genome databases
The MetaCyc database ( is a freely accessible comprehensive database describing metabolic pathways and enzymes from all domains of life.
How Much Does Curation Cost?
Here we calculate the cost of biocuration of articles for the EcoCyc database as $219 per article over a 5-year period.