Supporting Parent-Child Experiences with PEG+CAT Early Math Concepts: Report to the CPB-PBS Ready To Learn Initiative (Report Highlights)
The study presented here addresses the question of how time spent viewing and playing with PBS KIDS educational, non-commercial media at home, in family settings, can foster positive outcomes for…
Validation of Sleep-Tracking Technology Compared with Polysomnography in Adolescents
Objective- To evaluate the accuracy in measuring nighttime sleep of a fitness tracker (Jawbone UP) compared to polysomnography (PSG).
FPGA acceleration for feature based processing applications
In this paper, we describe the implementation of an algorithm that combines distributed feature detector (D-HCD) with a rotational invariant feature descriptor (R-HOG).
Representation and Analysis of Additively Manufactured Parts
In this paper we show that as-manufactured shapes may be represented in terms of the convolution operation to capture the additive deposition of material, measure the conformance to nominal geometry…
Device Health Estimation by Combining Contextual Control Information with Sensor Data and Device Health Prognostics Utilizing Restricted Boltzmann Machine
Beyond real- time data collection, we aim to provide analysis capability to obtain insights from the data and converting the learnings into actionable recommendations.
Scalable Relational Learning for Large Heterogeneous Networks
In this paper, we propose parallel collective matrix factorization (PCMF) that serves as a fast and flexible framework for joint modeling of large heterogeneous networks.
Monitoring of Intercalation Stages in Lithium-Ion Cells Over Charge-Discharge Cycles with Fiber Optic Sensors
This paper focuses on the potential of hair-thin fiber-optic (FO) sensors to monitor intercalation stage transition points.
Printed Gas Sensor Network for Methane Leak Detection
PARC is developing a low-cost, high-performance natural gas leak detection system based on printed nanomaterials.
Refining Measurement of Substance Use Disorders among Women of Child-Bearing Age Using Hospital Records: The Development of the Explicit-Mention Substance Abuse Need for Treatment in Women (EMSANT-W) Algorithm
This article presents the development of the Explicit Mention Substance Abuse Need for Treatment in Women (EMSANT-W), a gender-tailored tool based upon existing International Classification of Diseases, 9th Edition, Clinical…
Research Brief: Springfield Public Schools’ Effective Educator Coach Program
The EEC program is a comprehensive mentoring program in which experienced teachers support new or struggling teachers.
Keys Under Doormats
In this report, a group of computer scientists and security experts, many of whom participated in a 1997 study of these same topics, has convened to explore the likely effects…
Characteristics of Two-Year College students on the Autism Spectrum and Their Support Services Experiences
This study used nationally representative survey data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 to describe the characteristics and services experiences of adults with autism who attended postsecondary education after high…