An Analysis of Factors Related to Receipt of Accommodations and Services by Postsecondary Students With Disabilities
A secondary analysis of the National Longitudinal Transition Study–2 examined the relationship between demographic, disability-related, secondary school preparation, and transition planning variables and receipt of accommodations at the postsecondary level…
Higher Usual Alcohol Consumption Was Associated with a Lower 41-Y Mortality Risk from Coronary Artery Disease in Men Independent of Genetic and Common Environmental Factors: The Prospective NHLBI Twin Study
We evaluated whether alcohol consumption was prospectively associated with CAD mortality risk independent of familial factors.
Case Study Brief: Promising Approaches to the Development and Implementation of District-Determined Measures
The research team administered a statewide survey of principals and school staff and conducted educator interviews and focus groups in seven case study districts.
Case Study Brief: Promising Practices to Build Evaluator Capacity
The case study brief highlights three districts’ efforts to calibrate evaluators’ feedback and ratings for school staff and to reduce evaluators’ workloads associated with the new evaluation system.
Case Study Brief: Shrewsbury Public Schools’ Approach to Using Evaluation Data in Human Resources Decision-Making
This case study brief focuses on Shrewsbury Public Schools’ use of evaluation data to inform human resources practices and policies.
Developing Educators Throughout Their Careers: Evaluation of the Rio Grande Valley Center for Teaching and Leading Excellence: Executive Summary
The Center aimed to strengthen support for new teachers, teacher leaders, and school leaders and to raise the quality of teaching for students in one of the poorest regions in…
Longitudinal Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults with Learning Disabilities or Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
Using data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS) and the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), this study compared the post-high school outcomes of young adults with learning disabilities (LD)…
Compact hyperspectral image sensor based on a novel hyperspectral encoder
A novel hyperspectral imaging sensor is demonstrated that can enable breakthrough applications of hyperspectral imaging in domains not previously accessible.
K12 CS Teaching Methods Courses
CS teacher development has become a major effort for the SIGCSE community in part due to NSF's CS10K efforts and expanding CSTA involvement. However there are few examples of university…
Automated, Adaptive Guidance for K-12 Education
This paper distinguishes features of automated adaptive guidance used in K-12 instructional settings and recommends directions for design.
Brain Development in Heavy-Drinking Adolescents
The authors measured within-subject changes in regional brain morphometry over longer intervals and in larger samples of adolescents than previously reported and assessed differences between adolescents who remained nondrinkers and…
Women with Dysmenorrhoea Are Hypersensitive to Experimentally Induced Forearm Ischaemia During Painful Menstruation and During the Pain-Free Follicular Phase
We investigated whether women with dysmenorrhoea, compared with controls, have increased sensitivity to experimentally induced deep-tissue muscle ischaemia in a body area distant from that of referred menstrual pain.