Case Study Brief: Promising Practices to Build Evaluator Capacity
The case study brief highlights three districts’ efforts to calibrate evaluators’ feedback and ratings for school staff and to reduce evaluators’ workloads associated with the new evaluation system.
Case Study Brief: Shrewsbury Public Schools’ Approach to Using Evaluation Data in Human Resources Decision-Making
This case study brief focuses on Shrewsbury Public Schools’ use of evaluation data to inform human resources practices and policies.
Developing Educators Throughout Their Careers: Evaluation of the Rio Grande Valley Center for Teaching and Leading Excellence: Executive Summary
The Center aimed to strengthen support for new teachers, teacher leaders, and school leaders and to raise the quality of teaching for students in one of the poorest regions in…
Strength of Research for Reasoning Mind
We found strong evidence supporting the quality of product design relative to design characteristics that have been shown to be empirically important in prior research with other blended learning products.
International Baccalaureate national trends for low-income students 2008–2014
This study examines the postsecondary trajectories of low-income International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) candidates and course takers from public schools in the United States from 2008–2014.
In Vitro Metabolism and Stability of the Actinide Chelating Agent 3,4,3-Li(1,2-HOPO)
The preclinical characterization of this highly promising ligand comprised the evaluation of its in vitro properties, including microsomal, plasma, and gastrointestinal fluid stability, cytochrome P450 inhibition, plasma protein binding, and…
Longitudinal Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults with Learning Disabilities or Emotional/Behavioral Disorders
Using data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS) and the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2), this study compared the post-high school outcomes of young adults with learning disabilities (LD)…
Compact hyperspectral image sensor based on a novel hyperspectral encoder
A novel hyperspectral imaging sensor is demonstrated that can enable breakthrough applications of hyperspectral imaging in domains not previously accessible.
Insomnia in Women Approaching Menopause: Beyond Perception
We aimed to quantify sleep disturbance and the underlying contribution of objective hot flashes in 72 women who had, compared to those who had not, developed clinical insomnia in association…
Early Math with Gracie & Friends (Tm) Demo: App-Infused Curriculum and Teacher Support for Preschool
Our team developed and published eight iPad apps, 38 hands-on activities, a digital Teacher’s Guide, and professional development modules to help preschool children learn foundational math concepts.
Cardiac Autonomic Function During Sleep: Effects of Alcohol Dependence and Evidence of Partial Recovery with Abstinence
Chronic alcoholism is associated with the development of cardiac and peripheral autonomic nervous system (ANS) pathology.
Design and Verification for Transportation System Security
In this work, we propose an integrated framework that combines hybrid modeling, formal verification, and automated synthesis techniques for analyzing the security and safety of transportation systems and carrying out…