Evidence for a Role for alpha6 nAChRs in L-Dopa-Induced Dyskinesias Using Parkinsonian alpha6 nAChR Gain-of-Function Mice
Here we investigate the role of α6β2* nAChRs, a subtype selectively present in the nigrostriatal pathway, using α6 nAChR subunit null mutant (α6(-/-)) mice.
High School Math and Science Preparation and Postsecondary STEM Participation for Students with an Autism Spectrum Disorder
This study analyzed data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study–2, a nationally representative sample of students with an ASD in special education in the United States.
Model demonstration projects: Sustainability and scale-up
The aim of this presentation was to share findings on sustainment and scale-up of model demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs, conducted…
Towards Low-Cost Solar Hydrogen
Here we discuss a systems-level approach to improving utilization of high-efficiency III-V PEC cells using optical concentration factors much higher than have been previously considered.
Practical Measures of Learning Behaviors
This paper argues that improving learning reliably and at scale requires a specific orientation toward measurement, understood broadly.
Weakness in Depth: A Voting Machine’s Demise
Virginia's government recently examined the AVS WinVote and learned that the vulnerabilities are more serious than any other voting system, allowing complete exploitation over a Wi-Fi network.
Model Demonstration Projects: Sustainability and Scale-Up (Presentation Abstract)
The aim of this presentation was to share SRI Education’s findings on sustainment and scale-up of model demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education…
Classification of Lexical Stress Using Spectral and Prosodic Features for Computer-assisted Language Learning Systems
We present a system for detection of lexical stress in English words spoken by English learners. This system was designed to be part of the EduSpeak® computer-assisted language learning (CALL)…
Pharmacological Characterization of RO5461861, a Potent and Selective PDE10A Inhibitor
We describe the characterization of a new class of potent PDE10A inhibitors exemplified by 4-(Azetidine-1 -carbonyl)-2-methyl-2-H-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid (2-phenylimidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidin-7-yl)-amide (RO5461861) in vitro as well as in behavioral tests relevant to NMDA-R…
High Frequency Neuronal Oscillations in a Cynomolgus Macaque Test of Working Memory Following NMDA Receptor Antagonism
Disruptions in sensory processing and abnormal temporal integration of neuronal oscillations have been identified in schizophrenic patients and may contribute to poor performance in working memory task testing.
Biodistribution of the Multidentate Hydroxypyridinonate Ligand [(14) C]-3,4,3-Li(1,2-HOPO), a Potent Actinide Decorporation Agent
The pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the 14C-labeled actinide decorporation agent 3,4,3-LI(1,2-HOPO) were investigated in young adult Swiss Webster mice and Sprague Dawley rats, after intravenous, intraperitoneal, and oral dose administration.
Assessments for Computational Thinking in K-12
This paper argues for the need for multiple measures or “systems of assessments” that are complementary, attend to cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of CT, and contribute to a comprehensive picture…