Evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative: Second Year Report
SRI’s evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative addressed implementation issues and institutional and student outcomes work to use the Linked Learning approach to improve college transitions and…
Evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative: Second Year Report: Executive Summary
SRI’s evaluation of the California Community College Linked Learning Initiative addressed implementation issues and institutional and student outcomes work by three community colleges to use the Linked Learning approach to…
Investigating the Potential of Community College Developmental Summer Bridge Programs in Facilitating Student Adjustment to Four-Year Institutions
This study examines whether community college developmental summer bridge programs (DSBPs) can help students acquire the academic and college knowledge needed to attend and succeed at a four-year higher education…
Biomarkers of Response to Smoking Cessation Pharmacotherapies: Progress to Date
Recent research has begun to determine biomarkers (such as genotype, nicotine and metabolite levels, and brain imaging findings) that may have utility in predicting smoking cessation.
A Cross-language Study on Automatic Speech Disfluency Detection
We investigate two systems for automatic disfluency detection on English and Mandarin conversational speech data. The first system combines various lexical and prosodic features in a Conditional Random Field model for…
Computational Metabolomics Operations at Biocyc.Org is a genome and metabolic pathway web portal covering 5500 organisms, including Homo sapiens, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Escherichia coli.
Characterization of cyclic peptides containing disulfide bonds
Three peptides that belong to this category, p-Cl-Phe-DPDPE, DPDPE, and CTOP, were analyzed and the results are presented in this paper.
Designing for Deeper Learning in a Blended Computer Science Course for Middle School Students
The focus of this research was to create and test an introductory computer science course for middle school. Titled “Foundations for Advancing Computational Thinking” (FACT), the course aims to prepare…
Practical Measures of Learning Behaviors
This paper argues that improving learning reliably and at scale requires a specific orientation toward measurement, understood broadly.
Weakness in Depth: A Voting Machine’s Demise
Virginia's government recently examined the AVS WinVote and learned that the vulnerabilities are more serious than any other voting system, allowing complete exploitation over a Wi-Fi network.
Classification of Lexical Stress Using Spectral and Prosodic Features for Computer-assisted Language Learning Systems
We present a system for detection of lexical stress in English words spoken by English learners. This system was designed to be part of the EduSpeak® computer-assisted language learning (CALL)…
Model Demonstration Projects: Sustainability and Scale-Up (Presentation Abstract)
The aim of this presentation was to share SRI Education’s findings on sustainment and scale-up of model demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education…