Speech & natural language publications
Detection of agreement and disagreement in broadcast conversations
We present Conditional Random Fields based approaches for detecting agreement/disagreement between speakers in English broadcast conversation shows.
Towards Spoken Clinical-Question Answering: Evaluating and Adapting Automatic Speech-Recognition Systems for Spoken Clinical Questions
We evaluate existing automatic speech-recognition (ASR) systems to measure their performance in interpreting spoken clinical questions and to adapt one ASR system to improve its performance on this task.
Recent progress in prosodic speaker verification
In this paper, we show that performance can be significantly improved with the use of probabilistic linear discriminant analysis (PLDA) for session variability compensation.
Making the most from multiple microphones in meeting recognition
In this paper we investigate how these two approaches compare for state-of-the-art recognition systems applied to meeting data from the two most recent NIST Rich Transcription evaluations. Our results show…
Robust speech representation of voiced sounds based on synchrony determiniation with PLLS
We propose to include synchrony effects, known to exist in the auditory system, to represent voiced parts of the speech signal in a robust way.
Bird species recognition combining acoustic and sequence modeling
The goal of this work was to explore modeling techniques to improve bird species classification from audio samples.
Acoustic data sharing for Afghan and Persian languages
In this work, we compare several known approaches for multilingual acoustic modeling for three languages, Dari, Farsi and Pashto, which are of recent geo-political interest.
Language-independent constrained cepstral features for speaker recognition
We develop language-independent (LI) versions of constraints and compare results to parallel LD versions for English data on the NIST 2008 interview task.
Computing Logical Form on Regulatory Texts
We describe experiments on a modest-sized corpus of regulation annotated with a novel variant of logical form, called abstract syntax trees (ASTs).
Robust Speech Recognition with Articulatory Features Using Dynamic Bayesian Networks
In this paper, I present results from a word recognition and a phone recognition experiments in noise that uses two sets of articulatory representation: continuous (tract variable trajectories) and discrete (articulatory gestures) along with…
English Access to Structured Data
We present work on using a domain model to guide text interpretation, in the context of a project that aims to interpret English questions as a sequence of queries to…
Signal Enhancement and Background Suppression Using Interference and Entanglement
We describe two-photon absorption processes excited by entangled pairs but not by nonentangled pairs of the same energy and polarization.