Speech & natural language publications
Connected Speech Production in Three Variants of Primary Progressive Aphasia
In this study, our first objective was to improve the characterization of connected speech production in each variant of primary progressive aphasia, by quantifying speech output along a number of…
Cascaded model adaptation for dialog act segmentation and tagging
In this study, as part of a larger scale multiparty meeting understanding system, we analyze various methods for adapting dialog act segmentation and tagging models trained on conversational telephone speech…
Fast likelihood computation using hierarchical Gaussian shortlists
We investigate the use of hierarchical Gaussian shortlists to speed up Gaussian likelihood computation.
Acoustic front-end optimization for bird species recognition
The goal of this work was to explore the optimization of the feature extraction module (front-end) parameters to improve bird species recognition.
Across-phone variability and diagonal term in joint factor analysis for speaker recognition
We investigate usefulness of across-phone variability for speaker recognition in a joint factor analysis (JFA) framework. We estimate the variability as across-phone covariance within a conversation side averaged over all…
Automatic disfluency removal for improving spoken language translation
We examine the impact of disfluencies from broadcast conversation data on our hierarchical phrase-based SMT system and implement automatic disfluency removal approaches for cleansing the MT input.
Speaker Adaptation of Language and Prosodic Models for Automatic Dialog Act Segmentation of Speech
This study explores speaker-specific modeling for the task of automatic segmentation of speech into dialog acts (DAs), using a linear combination of speaker-dependent and speaker-independent language and prosodic models.
On the use of speaker superfactors for speaker recognition
We propose a new JFA scoring method that is both symmetrical and efficient.
Comparing the contributions of context and prosody in text-independent dialog act recognition
We propose a framework for employing both speech/non-speech-based (“contextual”) features and prosodic features, and apply it to DA segmentation and classification in multiparty meetings.
A comparison of approaches for modeling prosodic features in speaker recognition
In this work, we study the two modeling techniques for the simpler set of features. We show that, for these features, a combination of JFA systems for different sequence lengths…
Multi-view semi-supervised learning for dialog act segmentation of speech
This work investigates the application of multi-view semi-supervised learning algorithms on the sentence boundary classification problem by using lexical and prosodic information.
Annotating Participant Reference in English Spoken Conversation
We present a method for annotating verbal reference to people in conversational speech, with a focus on reference to conversation participants.