Speech & natural language publications
Generative and discriminative methods using morphological information for sentence segmentation of Turkish
This paper presents novel methods for generative, discriminative, and hybrid sequence classification for segmentation of Turkish word sequences into sentences.
Anchored Speech Recognition for Question Answering
In this paper, we propose a novel question answering system that searches for responses from spoken documents such as broadcast news stories and conversations.
Combining Discriminative Re-Ranking and Co-Training for Parsing Mandarin Speech Transcripts
In this paper, we present systematic investigations on combining discriminative re-ranking and co-training, including co-training re-ranked parsers and co-training re-rankers.
Recent advances in SRI’s IraqComm Iraqi Arabic-English speech-to-speech translation system
We summarize recent progress on SRI’s IraqComm™ IraqiArabic-English two-way speech-to-speech translation system.
The SRI NIST 2008 Speaker Recognition Evaluation System
We highlight the improvements made to specific subsystems and analyze the performance of various subsystem combinations in different data conditions.
Exploiting User Feedback for Language Model Adaptation in Meeting Recognition
We investigate language model (LM) adaptation in a meeting recognition application, where the LM is adapted based on recognition output from relevant prior meetings and partial manual corrections.
Improving Robustness of MLLR Adaptation with Speaker-Clustered Regression Class Trees
We introduce a strategy for modeling speaker variability in speaker adaptation based on maximum likelihood linear regression (MLLR).
Data-Driven Lexicon Expansion for Mandarin Broadcast News and Conversation Speech Recognition
We present a data-driven framework for expanding the lexicon to improve Mandarin broadcast news and conversation speech recognition.
Speaker Recognition Using Syllable-Based Constraints for Cepstral Frame Selection
We describe a new GMM-UBM speaker recognition system that uses standard cepstral features, but selects different frames of speech for different subsystems.
Combining Semantic and Syntactic Information Sources for 5-W Question Answering
This paper focuses on combining answers generated by a semantic parser that produces semantic role labels (SRLs) and those generated by syntactic parser that produces function tags for answering 5-W…
Who, What, When, Where, Why? Comparing Multiple Approaches to the Cross-Lingual 5W Task
In this paper, we present an error analysis of a new cross-lingual task: the 5W task, a sentence-level understanding task which seeks to return the English 5W's (Who, What, When,…
Name Transliteration with Bidirectional Perceptron Edit Models
We report on our efforts as part of the shared task on the NEWS 2009 Machine Transliteration Shared Task. We applied an orthographic perceptron character edit model that we have…