Speech & natural language publications
Significance of Joint Features Derived from the Modified Group Delay Function in Speech Processing
This paper investigates the significance of combining cepstral features derived from the modified group delay function and from the short-time spectral magnitude like the MFCC.
Model Adaptation for Dialog Act Tagging
In this study we used the ICSI meeting corpus with high-level meeting recognition dialog act (MRDA) tags, that is, question, statement, backchannel, disruptions, and floor grabbers/holders. We performed controlled adaptation…
Model Adaptation for Sentence Segmentation from Speech
This paper analyzes various methods to adapt sentence segmentation models trained on conversational telephone speech (CTS) to meeting style conversations. The sentence segmentation model trained using a large amount of…
A Study in Machine Learning from Imbalanced Data for Sentence Boundary Detection in Speech
We have constructed a hidden Markov model (HMM) system to detect sentence boundaries that uses both prosodic and textual information. Since there are more non-sentence boundaries than sentence boundaries in…
Morphology-based Language Modeling for Conversational Arabic Speech Recognition
In this paper, we investigate improvements in Arabic language modeling by developing various morphology-based language models. We present four different approaches to morphology-based language modeling, including a novel technique called…
Enriching Speech Recognition with Automatic Detection of Sentence Boundaries and Disfluencies
This paper describes a metadata detection system that combines information from different types of textual knowledge sources with information from a prosodic classifier. We investigate maximum entropy and conditional random…
QASR: Question Answering Using Semantic Roles for Speech Interface
In this paper, we evaluate a semantic role labeling approach to the extraction of answers in the open domain question answering task. We show that this technique especially improves the…
Improved Speech Activity Detection Using Cross-Channel Features for Recognition of Multiparty Meetings
We describe the development of a speech activity detection system using an HMM-based segmenter for automatic speech recognition on individual headset microphones in multispeaker meetings. We look at cross-channel features…
Speaker Clustered Regression-Class Trees for MLLR Adaptation
A speaker clustering algorithm is presented that is based on an eigenspace representation of Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression (MLLR) transformations and is used for training cluster-dependent regression-class trees for MLLR…
Within-Class Covariance Normalization for SVM-based Speaker Recognition
This paper extends the within-class covariance normalization (WCCN) technique described for training generalized linear kernels.
Machine Translation Research at SRI
An outline of the many machine translation research programs at SRI in 2006.
Investigation on Mandarin Broadcast News Speech Recognition
This paper describes our efforts in building a competitive Mandarin broadcast news speech recognizer. We present two novel algorithms in smoothing pitch features and segmenting Chinese characters into word units.