Speech & natural language publications
Parsing and Type Inference For Natural and Computer Languages
We provide a method for abstractly and uniformly characterizing a class of formalisms based on logical constraints, and use the uniformity to define and prove correct a parsing algorithm that…
An Application Of Default Logic To Speech Act Theory
We present a limited solution to the problem of belief revision within Reiter’s nonmonotonic Default Logic and show how to formulate the consequences of many uses of declarative sentences.
Cl-Patr Reference Manual
The PATR-II grammar formalism has been developed over the last few years at SRI International as a grammar formalism for codifying fragments of natural language.
The Contributing Influence Of Speech and Interaction On Human, Discourse Patterns
One goal of this chapter is to provide a comparison of the discourse and performance characteristics of instructions presented in three different modalities, each of which was classified according to…
Discourse Structure and Performance Efficiency In Interactive and Noninteractive Spoken Modalities
The present study examined two speech modalities that represent opposites on the spectrum of speaker interaction — the telephone dialogue and audiotape monologue.
Tense, Aspect, and The Interpretation Of Tenseless Elements In English
An analysis of English tense and aspect is presented that specifies temporal precedence relations with a sentence. The relevant reference points for interpretation are taken to be the initial and…
A Prolog-Like Inference System For Computing Minimum-Cost Abductive Explanations In Natural-Language Interpretation
To facilitate the computation of minimum-cost explanations, the inference system, unlike others such as Prolog, is designed to avoid the repeated use of the same instance of an axiom or…
A Descriptive Model Of Reference Using Defaults
In this article we try to answer the following question: how do we let our audience know what we are talking about? How, in other words, do a speaker and…
Management Of Miscommunications: Toward A System For Automatic Telephone, Interpretation Of Japanese-English Dialogues
This report presents exploratory research on miscommunications and their resolution during Japanese–English interpretation, based on interviews with experienced professional interpreters. "Brokering" is identified as a naturally occurring and central dialogue…
A Practical Nonmonotonic Theory For Reasoning About Speech Acts
A prerequisite to a theory of the way agents understand speech acts is a theory of how their beliefs and intentions are revised as a consequence of events. This process…
Separating Linguistic Analyses From Linguistic Theories
This paper explores the question of what level of linguistic practice is best suited for use in natural-language processing (NLP) efforts. In particular, I argue that because the goals and…
A Computational Model Of Referring
In this paper we present a theory of referring. This theory is presented within the framework of a general theory of speech acts and rationality advanced by Cohen and Levesque.…