Speech & natural language publications
The Structures Of Discourse Structure
This paper presents the basic elements of a computational theory of discourse structure that simplifies and expands upon previous work. It is concerned with answers to two rather simple questions:…
Constraints On Order
A modified linear precedence (LP) component of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) is proposed that accommodates partially free word order. In the revised framework, LP rules are sets of LP…
Linear Precedence In Discontinuous Constituents: Complex Fronting In German
It is shown that the current framework of Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar (GPSG) is not suited for describing the interaction of leftward extractions, scrambling, and constraints on linear order.
Criteria For Designing Computer Facilities For Linguistic Analysis
We discuss several aspects of computer use that are preeminent in establishing the utility for linguistic research of computer tools and describe several factors that must be considered in designing…
Configurational Variation In English: A Study Of Extraposition and Related Matters
Natural languages typically permit more than one order of words or phrases, though they differ with respect to both the amount of order variation allowed and the kind of information…
The Representation Of Adverbs, Adjectives and Events In Logical Form
The representation of adjectives and their adverbial counterparts in logical form rises a number of issues in the relation of syntax to semantics, as well as more specific problems of…
A Deduction Model Of Belief and Its Logics
This report is a slightly revised version of a thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University in June 1984, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for…
Sublanguage and Knowledge
The work described in this paper has been carried out as a part of a project to build a system for natural language access to a computerized medical textbook on…
Evidence Against The Context-Freeness Of Natural Language
Soon after Chomsky’s categorization of languages into his well-known hierarchy, the common conception of the context-free class of languages as a tool for describing natural languages was that it was…
Transportability and Generality In A Natural-Language Interface System
This paper describes the design of a transportable natural language (NL) interface to databases and the constraints that transportability places on each components of such a system.
An Overlapped Prolog Processor
The report compares the organization to both general-purpose, microcoded machines and reduced-instruction-set machines. Hand timings indicate that a peak performance rate of 450 K LIPS (logical inferences per second) is…
Planning English Referring Expressions
This paper describes a theory of language generation based on planning. To illustrate the theory, the problem of planning referring expressions is examined in detail. A theory based on planning…