Speech & natural language publications
Semantic Network Representation In Rule Based Inference System
Rule-based inference systems allow judgmental knowledge about a specific problem domain to be represented as a collection of discrete rules. We describe a rule-based system that uses a partitioned semantic…
Procedures for Integrating Knowledge in a Speech Understanding System
This paper describes the procedures for integrating knowledge from different sources in the SRI speech understanding system. The system uses these contextual constraints in assigning priorities to alternative interpretations, combining…
Lifer Manual: A Guide To Building Practical Natural Language Interface
This document describes an application-oriented system for creating natural language interfaces between existing computer programs (such as data base management systems) and casual users. The system is easy to use…
Human Engineering For Applied Natural Language Processing
Human engineering features for enhancing the usability of practical natural language systems are described. Such features include spelling correction, processing of incomplete (elliptical) inputs, interrogation of the underlying language definition…
LIFER: a Natural Language Interface Facility
This note describes LIFER, a practical facility for creating natural language interfaces to other computer software. Emphasizing human engineering, LIFER has bundled natural language specification and parsing technology into one…
Experiments In Speech Understanding System Control
The main experiment tested the effects on performance of four major choices: focus attention by inhibition or use an unbiased best-first method, ``island-drive’’ or process left or right, use context…
Semantic Processing For Speech Understanding
The semantic component of the speech understanding system being developed jointly by SRI and SDC rules out phrase combinations that are not meaningful and produces semantic interpretations for combination that…
Speech Generation from Semantic Nets
A set of verb templates is being derived from a study of the surface syntax of some 3000 English verbs: the active forms of the verbs have been classified according…
Establishing Context in Task-Oriented Dialogs
This paper describes part of the discourse component of a speech understanding system for task-oriented dialogs, specifically, a mechanism for establishing a focus of attention to aid in identifying the…
System Integration and Control in a Speech Understanding System
This paper first describes the roles played by acoustics, syntax, semantics, and discourse, and shows how a language definition is used to integrate them into a system in a way…
Progress in Speech Understanding Research at SRI
This paper describes research on the development of a speech understanding system capable of engaging a human operator in a conversation about a specific task domain.
The Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogs
The discourse and task information in task oriented dialogs and their use in a speech understand system are discussed in this paper.