Computer vision publications
Skeleton Search: Category-Specific Object Recognition and Segmentation Using a Skeletal Shape Model
We describe a top-down object detection and segmentation approach that uses a skeleton-based shape model and that works directly on real images.
A Graph Traversal Based Algorithm for Obstacle Detection Using Lidar or Stereo
We present a novel computationally efficient approach to obstacle detection that is applicable to both structured and unstructured environments.
Method of Image Fusion and Enhancement Using Mask Pyramid
We proposed an algorithmic approach using a mask pyramid to better localize the selection process. A new embedded system architecture that builds upon the Acadia ® II Vision Processor is…
3D Alignment and Change Detection from Uncalibrated Eye Images
We introduce a projective geometry based approach that reconstructs and aligns 3D blood vessel networks given two stereo pairs of optic disc images.
Mask Pyramid Methodology for Enhanced Localization in Image Fusion and Enhancement
The proposed approach offers a generic methodology for applications in image enhancement, high dynamic range compression, depth of field extension, and image blending.
High-Precision Localization Using Visual Landmarks Fused with Ranged Data
In this paper, we demonstrated that with the use of precise 3D Li-dar range data, we are able to build a global consistent database of high precision 3D visual landmarks,…
Vehicle Tracking Across Nonoverlapping Cameras Using Joint Kinematic and Appearance Features
We describe a vehicle tracking algorithm using input from a network of nonoverlapping cameras.
A LIDAR Streaming Architecture for Mobile Robotics with Application to 3D Structure Characterization
We present a novel LIDAR streaming architecture for real-time, on-board processing using unmanned robots.
Stable Vision-Aided Navigation for Large-Area Augmented Reality
In this paper, we present a unified approach for a drift-free and jitter-reduced vision-aided navigation system.
In-Vitro Imaging of Femoral Artery Nitinol Stents for Deformation Analysis
The present study sought to develop a method of imaging and analyzing stent deformation in vitro with use of a calibrated test device.
Large-Scale Visual Odometry for Rough Terrain
We present the results of several years of work on an integrated system to localize a mobile robot in rough outdoor terrain using visual odometry, with an increasing degree of…
Flexible Depth of Field Photography
We present an imaging system that enables one to control the DOF in new and powerful ways. Our approach is to vary the position and/or orientation of the image detector…