Artificial intelligence

SRI’s renowned Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC) investigates new approaches to the most critical areas of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Collaborate with SRI, and you’ll work with some of the world’s leading researchers to develop applied systems that solve problems, communicate with people in new ways, and interact with the physical world.

Our teams work with researchers across disciplines to advance the computational principles underlying intelligence in man and machines. As the source of seminal contributions to AI, AIC continues to push boundaries in areas including:

  • Machine learning, with applications to understanding text, speech and video
  • Technologies for mobile robots and human-robot interaction
  • Acquisition and prediction of biochemical pathways for drug discovery and engineering new organisms

AIC researchers work with fellow experts in disciplines including autonomous robotics, sensors, signal processing, systems architecture and engineering, and multisource information integration. We offer numerous technologies for license in most major areas of AI.

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