SRI Education News | September 2020

toddlers playing

SRI Education has been working nationally and with individual states on building, enhancing, and expanding birth through age 5 early childhood systems, programs, and services. This newsletter highlights some of our technical assistance projects that support early childhood systems building by helping states with data integration and use, coordinated enrollment and mixed delivery, and systems planning and implementation of those plans. These projects aim to increase access to and utilization of services, enhance program quality, increase family voice and engagement in decision-making, create continuity from birth through age 5 and into K–12, and address barriers to racial equity and inclusion of children with disabilities.

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The Latest News

SRI Education Awarded the Contract for the National Center for Preschool Development Grants Birth Through Five (PDG B-5)

SRI was recently awarded a contract to run the new PDG B-5 Technical Assistance (TA) Center which supports state organizations that were awarded Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five grants from the Office of Child Care in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children, Youth and Families and from the Office of Early Learning in the U.S. Department of Education. The PDG B-5 TA Center will support grantees in building high-quality systems of services and programs for young children and their families and provide general assistance to all states. The Center will also provide TA tailored to the individual needs of each of the states and territories with PDG B-5 initial planning and renewal grants.

Follow the National Center for Preschool Development Grants B-5 on Twitter.

DaSy Center Website Refresh

The DaSy Center recently revamped its website with a refreshed look and feel and improved its navigation to better showcase its work on improving data systems in early childhood education. DaSy is a national technical assistance center that works with states to support IDEA early intervention and early childhood special education state programs in building high-quality data systems and using data to improve results for young children with disabilities and their families.

SRI Education Working with States


Working alongside School Readiness Consulting, SRI provided TA to the Oregon Early Learning Division. The team produced a report about maximizing funding for Early Intervention Early Childhood programs, gathered input on what coordinated enrollment could do for the local providers, and created the first coordinated enrollment and eligibility guidebook.


Through grant funding from the Heising-Simons Family Foundation, SRI worked with California state administrators to understand and document the state’s early childhood data systems and data integration efforts, establish a cross-agency planning committee, and host stakeholder learning sessions. Read more in the final report.


SRI is working with the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation (VECF) to better understand how early childhood systems-building activities are being implemented in 17 Smart Beginnings community initiatives, with adaptations to their own unique local needs, resources, and constraints. Read more in our policy briefstrategy map, and indicators report.

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