Bladimir Lopez-Prado

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data analyst, SRI Education

Bladimir Lopez-Prado is a research database coordinator at SRI Education, where his work focuses on managing, collecting, processing, manipulating and analyzing data to support the broad diversity of research projects within the division.

Lopez-Prado has extensive experience managing large, complex data sets and is skilled in extracting educational and demographic data from national and state databases, such as data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the U.S. Census Bureau and the California Department of Education’s Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program. He supports data management, processing and analysis for more than 25 projects a year.

Before joining SRI, Lopez-Prado was a researcher and instructor at Chapingo Autonomous University in Chapingo, Mexico. He also worked as a research analyst for the Santa Clara County Office of Education in San Jose, California. Lopez-Prado earned his MBA in project evaluation from Michoacan State University in Morelia, Mexico. He received his BS in agricultural engineering/quantitative methods from Chapingo Autonomous University.

Key projects

  • Assessing Collaboration Through Innovative Vision Technology (ACTIVITY) Study
  • Automated Collaboration Skills Assessment
  • Verizon Innovative Learning

Recent Publications

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