Eva M Müller-Oehring

Senior Research Scientist, Human Sleep Research Program

Dr. Eva M. Müller-Oehring is a Senior Research Scholar in the Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology at Stanford University and a Principal Investigator at the Human Neuroscience and Sleep Research Program at SRI International.

Research: Dr. Müller-Oehring’s research investigates the link between brain and behavior across the lifespan. Her work incorporates cognition, mood, and motor functions as well as sleep physiology and multimodal neuroimaging to identify risk and protective factors that modulate the brain-behavior link in psychiatric and neurological conditions. One research focus is on the cognitive and motor neurofunctional changes in healthy aging, neurodegeneration in people living with HIV infection and Parkinson’s disease. She further studies brain-behavior relations in alcohol addiction with focus on neural emotion regulation pathways and sleep physiology to determine whether the sleep–emotion regulation link is dysfunctional in alcohol use disorder. Part of her research looks at adolescent brain and cognitive development in relation to alcohol use and risk for addiction. She is currently PI on the consortium project Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study (ABCD), and part of the National Consortium on Alcohol and NeuroDevelopment in Adolescence (NCANDA). Dr. Müller-Oehring has published more than 80 scientific papers.

Teaching: She is adjunct instructor at the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program at Palo Alto University and teaches classes in Biological Psychology and Psychopharmacology.

Clinical Training: She is a clinical psychologist with training in cognitive-behavioral therapy (German approbation law).

Education: Dr. Müller-Oehring received her undergraduate education in psychology at the University of Trier and her Ph.D. in clinical psychology with emphasis in neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience at the OVGU Magdeburg, Germany. She completed her postdoctoral training at the Department of Psychiatry at Stanford University, CA.

Other: Outside of work, Dr. Müller-Oehring enjoys spending time with her family and traveling. She likes being around horses, running, biking, hiking, and occasionally summiting Mount Whitney with her family.

View Müller-Oehring’s publications on Research Gate.

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