Exploring the American Dream: A Lively Discussion on Innovation and Progress

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Watch the video: A conversation with SRI’s David Parekh and David Leonhardt of the New York Times.

SRI’s relaunched PARC Forum on April 4 featured SRI’s Chief Executive Officer David Parekh and Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times editor and writer David Leonhardt. The discussion centered around Leonhardt’s book, Ours Was the Shining Future: The Story of the American Dream, and how innovation, ingenuity, and investment fueled America’s technological and economic growth.

The next PARC Forum event will take place on May 17, in collaboration with IEEE, where we will celebrate the creation of three world-changing technologies: the Alto personal computer, Ethernet, and the Laser Printer invented and developed at our historic PARC campus. The program will include conversations with Vint Cerf and Bob Metcalfe — two individuals whose contributions have fundamentally shaped modern networking and computing.

Register here.

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