Balancing push and pull for efficient information discovery in large-scale sensor networks


Liu, X.; Huang, Q.; Zhang, Y. Balancing push and pull for efficient information discovery in large-scale sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 2007 March; 6 (3): 241-151.


In this paper, we investigate efficient strategies for supporting on-demand information dissemination and gathering in large-scale wireless sensor networks. In particular, we propose a “comb-needle” discovery support model resembling an ancient method: use a comb to help find a needle in sand or a haystack. The model combines push and pull for information dissemination and gathering. The push component features data duplication in a linear neighborhood of each node. The pull component features a dynamic formation of an on-demand routing structure resembling a comb. The comb-needle model enables us to investigate the cost of a spectrum of push and pull combinations for supporting query and discovery in large-scale sensor networks. Our result shows that the optimal routing structure depends on the frequency of query occurrence and the spatial-temporal frequency of related events in the network. The benefit of balancing push and pull for information discovery is demonstrated.

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