CIorg – collective intelligence in organizations: tools and studies


Convertino, G.; Grasso, A.; De Michelis, G.; Millen, D. R.; Chi, E. H. CIorg – collective intelligence in organizations: tools and studies. 16th ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work; 2010 November 7-10; Sanibel, FL. NY: ACM; 2010; 355-358.


A new generation of Web tools is penetrating into organizations after their successful adoption within the consumer domain (e.g., social networking; sharing of photos, videos, tags, or bookmarks; wiki-based editing). These tools and the collaborative processes that they support on a large scale are often referred to as Collective Intelligence (CI). The workshop discusses CI tools for collaboration in work-related settings, especially for task forces now increasingly common in industry or government. The aims are refining the problem, summarizing pioneer work on CI, and ultimately develop a research agenda on the problem of supporting CI among workers in organizations. CI studies, tools, and new research methods for studying CI are discussed.

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