Morrison, K., Cameto, R., Haertel, G., Fujii, R., Greene, S., DeBarger, A., Nagle, K., & Sanford, C. (2012). Alternate Assessment Design-English Language Arts/Reading: Assessment task library. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.
This technical report contains a description of the library of assessment tasks created by the Alternate Assessment Design—English Language Arts/Reading (AAD-ELA) project. Funded by an Enhanced Assessment Grant to the Idaho State Department of Education, the project brought together SRI International and a consortium of states including Idaho, Utah, and Kansas to design and develop assessment tasks for alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS). The project resulted in the creation of 21 Design Patterns and 22 Development Specifications and Exemplar Task Templates (Task Templates). This report includes examples of the created tasks.