Principals Discuss Early Implementation of the ASSISTments Online Homework Tutor for Mathematics


Fairman, J., Porter, M., Fisher, S. (2015). Principals Discuss Early Implementation of the ASSISTments Online Homework Tutor for Mathematics: ASSISTments Efficacy Study Report 2. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International.


This report presents the findings from interviews with principals about their schools’ participation in the ASSISTments efficacy study on seventh-grade mathematics. The purpose of the interviews was to explore the following areas:

  • To what extent schools had policies or expectations regarding homework practice and completion
  • To what extent schools had concerns about homework completion rates
  • Whether the school had existing practices or norms for teachers to discuss student learning outcomes, and how often teachers met to focus on data
  • The extent to which principals met with teachers to discuss data
  • What other initiatives in the district or school could impact curriculum, instruction, assessment, or professional development and what the current priorities were in the school
  • Factors related to the community such as broad socio-economic status, or level of support for education, that might affect teaching and student achievement in the school.

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