Observing Classrooms Through a Digital Lens: Examining the Reliability and Feasibility of Video Observations in Pre-kindergarten Classrooms

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Grindal, T., Gerard, S. N., Partika, A., Perez, N., Syed, G., Solender, M., & Mark, A. (2025). Observing classrooms through a digital lens: Examining the reliability and feasibility of video observations in pre-kindergarten classrooms. SRI International.


Accurate, reliable, and scalable measurement of classroom quality represent a critical tool for ensuring that young children benefit from early learning programs. Video-recorded classroom observations can increase the usefulness of classroom quality assessments and improve the capacity of those assessments to strengthen teaching practice. The Early Childhood Classroom Observation (ECCO) study was designed to better understand how video recordings can support high-quality measurement of pre-kindergarten classrooms, using two common measures of early learning programs, CLASS and ECERS-3. The study team compared the reliability of observations gathered through video and live (in-person) classroom observations and interviewed teachers and program leaders to understand their perceptions of the challenges and benefits of video observations.

This work is part of the Reimagining Instructional Coaching in Early Education (RICiEE) initiative. Learn more on the RiCiEE webpage.

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