Reimagining Instructional Coaching: Developing Observation Tools to Support Instructional Coaching in Pre-K Classrooms

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Thomas, K., Grindal, T., Rutstein, D., Syed, G., Gerard, S. N., & Golan, S. (2023). Reimagining instructional coaching: Developing observation tools to support instructional coaching in pre-K classrooms. SRI International.


Instructional coaching, informed by observation tools that measure teachers’ practices, has been effective in improving teaching quality in early learning programs. However, existing measurement tools limit teachers’ abilities to implement this type of instructional coaching at scale. To address this challenge, a team at SRI Education, along with partners at Substantial and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, created a Target Product Profile (TPP) that describes the ideal features and capabilities of observation tools to support instructional coaching with prekindergarten teachers. This TPP is designed to spur investments, improvements, and innovations in existing and future observation tools for instructional coaches that measure important teaching practices and provide useful feedback on ways to improve classroom quality.

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