Efficacy of a smartphone system to support groups in behavior change programs


Du, H.; Youngblood, G.; Pirolli, P. . Efficacy of a smartphone system to support groups in behavior change programs. Wireless Health 2014.


Smartphone platforms provide an excellent opportunity for projecting existing or new behavior-change methods into everyday life at great economies of scale. In this paper we present an experimental test of a new behavior-change smartphone platform and application called Fittle. An 8-week field study involving 19 participants was conducted to evaluate Fittle. The efficacy of Fittle across three classes (diet, physical activity, and stress-reduction) of behavior was demonstrated. The power of group effects in behavior change technologies was found and deeper understandings about factors that contributed to some low compliance rate were gained. Participants feedback suggested the great potential of using an artificial team member in providing personalized recommendations to participants and supporting team building.

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