Ethnographic research podcasts in the corporate research environment


Plurkowski, L. Ethnographic research podcasts in the corporate research environment. Pacific Sociological Association annual meeting; 2012 March 23; San Diego, CA.


This session will highlight a recent methodology utilized by social scientists at PARC, a Xerox company, to better communicate their ethnographic research findings to other research and non-research audiences: video podcasts. These short form videos are like mini-documentaries, highlighting for the audience the methods used by researchers to explore a time and place, and uncover interesting research findings about the people being studied. In a typical 5-10 minute podcast, the audience can quickly understand how the data was collected, what research methodology was applied, and what insights are created from a qualitative look at people and their work or leisure practices. This session will consist of viewing four different short-form videos, created in support of four very different ethnographic projects, and intended for four very different audiences. The presenter will briefly overview the project and intended output before each video, and will wrap up the session with Q&A about how to create effective research podcasts. Titles of ethnographic research podcasts presented (subject to change): – An Ethnographic Study of Projector Use in Business Settings (Yamauchi, Y., Vinkhuyzen, E., Szymanski, M., Glasnapp, J., Plurkowski, L.) – Palo Alto Parking Discovery (Glasnapp, J., Isaacs, E.) – Ordering Cough Syrup: An Ethnography of Healthcare Work (Vinkhuyzen, E.) – Ethnographic Market Research of Multi-Function Print Device Use by Small Businesses (Plurkowski, L., Richard, J.)

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