Cyberinfrastructure for social action on national priorities


Pirolli, P. L.; Preece, J.; Shneiderman, B., guest editors. Cyberinfrastructure for social action on national priorities. Computer Magazine, special issue on Technology-Mediated Social Participation. 2010 November; 43 (11): 20-21.


Extensive research is needed to build upon currently used media and tools to foster wider participation, address national priorities, and deal with potential dangers associated with technology-mediated social participation. Peter Pirolli, Jenny Preece and Ben Shneiderman, the guest editors of this special issue of Computer Magazine see the potential of TMSP systems to revolutionize personal communications, organizational work life, and online communities.

Existing social media technologies, often designed for discretionary and playful activities, can be redesigned and repurposed to produce profound transformations in healthcare, community safety, disaster response, lifelong learning, business innovation, energy sustainability, environmental protection, and other important national priorities.

The issue includes: Scientific Foundations: A Case for Technology- Mediated Social- Participation Theory by Robert Kraut, May Lou Maher, Judith Olson, Tom Malone, Peter Pirolli and John Thomas; Advancing the Design of Technology-Mediated Social Participation Systems by Ed Chi, Sean Munson, Gerhard Fischer, Sarah Vieweg and Cynthia Parr; New Missions for a Sociotechnical Infrastructure by Gary Olson, Gloria Mark, Elizabeth Churchill and Dana Rotman; Social Participation in Health 2.0 by Bradford Hesse, Derek Hansen, Thomas Finholt, Sean Munson, Wendy Kellogg and John Thomas; Social Media Technology and Government Transparency by John Bertot, Paul Jaeger, Sean Munson and Tom Glaisyer; Educational Priorities for Technology-Mediated Social Participation by Cliff Lampe, Paul Resnick, Andrea Forte, Sarita Yardi, Dana Rotman, Todd Marshall and Wayne Lutters.

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