Signpost from the masses: learning effects in an exploratory social tag search browser


Kammerer, Y.; Nairn, R.; Pirolli, P. L.; Chi, E. H. Signpost from the masses: learning effects in an exploratory social tag search browser. 27th Annual CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2009); 2009 April 4-9; Boston, MA.


Social tagging arose out of the need to organize found content that is worth revisiting. A significant side effect has been the use of social tagging sites as navigational signposts for interesting content. The collective behavior of users who tagged contents seems to offer a good basis for exploratory search interfaces, even for users who are not using social bookmarking sites. In this paper, we present the design of a tag-based exploratory system and detail an experiment in understanding its effectiveness. The tag-based search system allows users to utilize relevance feedback on tags to indicate their interest in various topics, enabling rapid exploration of the topic space. The experiment shows that the system provides a kind of scaffold for users to learn new topics.

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