Spatially modulated emission advances point-of-care diagnostics


Kiesel, P.; Martini, J.; Beck, M.; Huck, M.; Bern, M. W.; Johnson, N. M. Spatially modulated emission advances point-of-care diagnostics. Laser Focus World. 2010 November; 15 (10): 47-50.


Most biomedical tests are performed at large clinical laboratories because compact, robust, and inexpensive instruments for point-of-care (POC) testing are simply not available. Yet there is a need for POC testing. Optofluidic systems for fluorescence detection of bio-particles offer high performance, but they cannot meet POC specifications. We have demonstrated, prototyped, and benchmarked against commercial systems a new optical detection approach that delivers high signal-to-noise discrimination without complex optics or bulky excitation sources. It therefore enables a truly compact, low-cost, high-performance microfluidic-based instrument that can be used for CD4 diagnostics on whole blood and for other complex biological fluids.

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