User-centered design and evaluation – the big picture


Bellotti, V.; Fukuzumi, S.; Asahi, T.; Suzuki, S. User-centered design and evaluation – the big picture. Proceedings of HCI International 2009; 2009 July 19-24; San Diego, CA. Berlin: Springer; 2009; LNCS 5610: 214-223.


This paper provides a high-level overview of the field of usability evaluation as context for a panel – Systematization, Modeling and Quantitative Evaluation of Human Interface- in which several authors report on a collaborative effort to apply CogTool, an automated usability evaluation method, to mobile phone interfaces and to assess whether usability predictions made by CogTool correlate with user subjective impressions of usability. If the endeavor, which is still underway at the time of writing, is successful, then CogTool may be applied economically within the product development lifecycle to reduce the risk of usability problems.

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