What do users like? Inferring users’ interests and preferences from their Facebook profiles


Bhargava, P.; Brdiczka, O.; Roberts, M. What do users like? Inferring users’ interests and preferences from their Facebook profiles. UMAP 2014.


User interest proles have become increasingly important with the advent of personalized web services and user-centric applications. These proles have been traditionally generated using the user’s web search history, browsing and interaction history with portals and websites. However, a social networking site such as Facebook, that provides users with a rich and powerful platform for specifying their interests and preferences unequivocally, has not been explored largely yet. In this paper, we present a novel unsupervised algorithm and system to infer an individual user’s interests and preferences from his Facebook prole data. We perform extensive evaluation of our approach with a dataset of 488 active Facebook users and demonstrate that a user’s interests can be estimated reasonably well from his/her Facebook profile.

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