Advanced Technology
and Systems Division
Re-imagining how humans work, navigate, and protect the world
The Advanced Technology & Systems division is known for work in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance. We’re at the leading edge of human-machine interaction, sensing, and other applied technologies that are turning data into usable knowledge. SRI also leads the government-supported Quantum Economic Development Consortium, an initiative designed to grow and advance the quickly evolving quantum industry. Contact us to learn more.
170+ Equivalent full-time staff
5+ Geographic locations
90+Concurrent projects
“I started at SRI about 15 years ago because I was looking for a role in a research organization that would afford me the freedom to pursue what I was interested in and had a strong public-benefit mission — and what I found is precisely that and much more.”
John CrowePresident, Advanced Technology & Systems Division
A multitude of leading-edge technologies
Our Advanced Technology & Systems division teams work in the following focus areas: